June 2024

A Network in Rust, Part 3 01 Jun 2024

May 2024

A Network in Rust, Part 2 17 May 2024

A Network in Rust, Part 1 05 May 2024

December 2023

Microframeworks Are Too Small 20 Dec 2023

October 2023

Ruby Has Long Known About Poetry 24 Oct 2023

August 2023

How To Test Random Things 28 Aug 2023

December 2021

The Bet Against Web Tech 03 Dec 2021

November 2021

The Docker Image Store Is Cache 05 Nov 2021

October 2021

Toxic Places with No Inputs 29 Oct 2021

Things That Draw Themselves 15 Oct 2021

September 2021

Security is Infinite in Time and Scope 24 Sep 2021

Information Is Late Game 17 Sep 2021

Sciencing Out Updates 10 Sep 2021

A REPL Based Debugging Workflow 03 Sep 2021

August 2021

Commodities, Economic Scaling and Compute 27 Aug 2021

Send Me Your Stuff 20 Aug 2021

Don't Test Code You Don't Own 13 Aug 2021

Scenario Practice 06 Aug 2021

July 2021

The Database Ruins All Good Ideas 08 Jul 2021

Your 1% A/B Testing is A Lot To Me 07 Jul 2021

Git is Below Your Project 05 Jul 2021

March 2020

No Advice 31 Mar 2020

June 2019

Sprinkle Time on That Thing 04 Jun 2019

November 2018

Testing is a Gradient Spectrum 08 Nov 2018

May 2017

Golang gb project example 23 May 2017

April 2017

Why A Dev Log is Great - Two Years Later 10 Apr 2017

February 2017

Porting Ruby to Crystal 25 Feb 2017

November 2016

The Enthusiast Trench 25 Nov 2016

April 2016

Pry and Slop 19 Apr 2016

Ruby Slop Example 06 Apr 2016

March 2016

Serverspec and Packer 15 Mar 2016

February 2016

Sidekiq Rate Limiting 12 Feb 2016

January 2016

Rails Style Route Parsing 20 Jan 2016

How to install a specific version of something in Homebrew 06 Jan 2016

November 2015

Great dev log with vim and iTerm 13 Nov 2015

Setting timezone with homebrew installed mysql 01 Nov 2015

July 2015

Encoding in Ruby and Everywhere 08 Jul 2015

May 2015

New Gigs, New Digs 26 May 2015

Finding a Tree 01 May 2015

April 2015

How to Run the Docker Registry 2.0 19 Apr 2015

December 2014

Nil, If and Collect in Ruby 18 Dec 2014

November 2014

Mocking in Golang 28 Nov 2014

Follow Through and Fundamental Immovables 15 Nov 2014

Where Do You Put Your Go Code? 14 Nov 2014

October 2014

YAML and Maps in Go 13 Oct 2014

September 2014

Ruby Slop Example 25 Sep 2014

Redis and 595 Timer States 24 Sep 2014

August 2014

Positive Change 17 Aug 2014

June 2014

Default DC Tech is Just Bad 06 Jun 2014

May 2014

Passion 19 May 2014

September 2013

DRY up Methods with Ruby Blocks 13 Sep 2013

August 2013

Problems with "The Cloud" 27 Aug 2013

July 2013

IPv6 Spike 28 Jul 2013

June 2013

The Best Way to Read CSV in Ruby 16 Jun 2013

Rails Dev Shops in Washington DC 09 Jun 2013

The Supermodel Ruby Gem Loses Data 02 Jun 2013

May 2013

Super Interesting Talks from RubyConf 2012 28 May 2013

Using a Redis as a Database 04 May 2013

April 2013

The Blub Paradox and Delicious Pie 21 Apr 2013

February 2013

Ruby p385 benchmarks 16 Feb 2013

Hash Choices 12 Feb 2013

November 2012

What a tech stack has to do on our first date 30 Nov 2012

New Hawtnesses 12 Nov 2012

October 2012

SVN vs Git Speed 12 Oct 2012

Ruby DCamp 2012! 01 Oct 2012

September 2012

Changing the TextMate Comment Banner 24 Sep 2012

Caching an Object in Rails is Easy 23 Sep 2012

Making Rails Development on Windows Not Suck 22 Sep 2012

Splitting a sentence in Ruby and keeping the punctuation 21 Sep 2012

A Different REPL Workflow in Ruby 15 Sep 2012

A Computer is Not a Calculator 13 Sep 2012

Replace Guard with Autotest if using Minitest 12 Sep 2012

Documentation is Horse Crap 11 Sep 2012

Let's Play with Capistrano 10 Sep 2012

Rbenv vs RVM 09 Sep 2012

Arduino Mini and Raspberry Pi GPIO wonderment 06 Sep 2012

August 2012

Coffeescript Fat Arrow 10 Aug 2012

July 2012

Mountain Lion and Rails development 27 Jul 2012

May 2012

Ruby Resources 05 May 2012

MongoDB CSV importing 03 May 2012

March 2012

A Spork nil:NilClass fix 09 Mar 2012

February 2012

Upgrading Rbenv 27 Feb 2012

Setting Defaults in Ruby 21 Feb 2012

Consumer Routers Suck 20 Feb 2012

My DroboFS Problems 14 Feb 2012

January 2012

Rubygems Size, Bad Algorithms and a Bad Data Structure 30 Jan 2012

Sparkfun Free Day 2011 13 Jan 2012

December 2011

Quickie Mart 18 Dec 2011

Rbenv bash prompt 05 Dec 2011

Hash of Hashes and Captain Planet 03 Dec 2011

HBase Shell Color 03 Dec 2011

November 2011

Schemaless Data Collection 25 Nov 2011

Rspec output formats 17 Nov 2011

Messing with Method Missing 12 Nov 2011

September 2011

Lego mount for Arduino 09 Sep 2011

August 2011

Memcached with Rails 3 30 Aug 2011

May 2011

Pivot Table in Ruby 02 May 2011

April 2011

Simple Ruby-Processing Collision Detection 16 Apr 2011

Dealing with Git Merges 08 Apr 2011

What do you use an Enumerator for in Ruby? 02 Apr 2011

How to write a Ruby and Rails 3 REST API 01 Apr 2011

March 2011

Singleton and Observer Pattern in Ruby 1.9 27 Mar 2011

Perl vs Ruby 25 Mar 2011

Watchr filesystem events not firing 15 Mar 2011

Arduino Cat Faucet with Mongodb and Rails 09 Mar 2011

February 2011

Target Agnostic ETL 24 Feb 2011

Debugging Ruby Cheat Sheet 14 Feb 2011

DataMapper Mongo Adapter problems 10 Feb 2011

January 2011

Ruby array sort and uniq bug 30 Jan 2011

Setting the default ruby with Pik 18 Jan 2011

December 2010

Watchr Continuous Testing with Growl 28 Dec 2010

Ruby Koans Notes and Solutions 26 Dec 2010

Reconnect a Mac mouse without a mouse 22 Dec 2010

Biggest object_id value in Ruby 21 Dec 2010

Nmap won't compile in homebrew solution 17 Dec 2010

Macports upgrade breaks ImageMagick 16 Dec 2010

Ubuntu One True Way 15 Dec 2010

Homebrew behind a proxy 14 Dec 2010

Server side websockets 13 Dec 2010

Monty Hall Problem in Ruby 13 Dec 2010

Debugging Cucumber and Rails 06 Dec 2010

Hollywood Security BS 03 Dec 2010

Geekcation 02 Dec 2010

November 2010

Yak Shaving 13 Nov 2010

Rails behind Enterprise SSO 06 Nov 2010

RVM behind proxy and firewall 05 Nov 2010

September 2010

Alphabet sequences with factorygirl 03 Sep 2010

August 2010

Stream of thoughthose: Game Store 27 Aug 2010

Stream of thoughthose: ElevatorSim 27 Aug 2010

Technology Knowledge Debt, Part Two 05 Aug 2010

July 2010

Fixing IRB autocompletion on OSX 10 Jul 2010

Fit-PC2 and Ubuntu 10.04 10 Jul 2010

IRB return trick 09 Jul 2010

Technology Knowledge Debt, Part One 03 Jul 2010

May 2010

Dearth Patterns 31 May 2010

Changing DroboFS passwords 24 May 2010

Watchr Unit Tests + Growl + Doomguy 23 May 2010

Downloading en mass 15 May 2010

iPhone Developer Activation Problem 10 May 2010

Reversing sentences with Ruby. 01 May 2010

April 2010

iPadDC 2010 17 Apr 2010

How to pair a Bluetooth Keyboard with an iPad 03 Apr 2010

iPadcolypse 03 Apr 2010

Dokuwiki April Fools 2010 01 Apr 2010

March 2010

RMagic, ImageMagick, Snow Leopard and Ruby 1.9 08 Mar 2010

Goddamn Solaris 06 Mar 2010

February 2010

Arduino command protocol 28 Feb 2010

Growl Network Notifications Not Working 27 Feb 2010

Basic 555 timer Arduino project 20 Feb 2010

SCP vs RSync vs SMB vs FTP 12 Feb 2010

Subversion Aptitude Error 08 Feb 2010

Ethernet2 Arduino Library Fix on 0017 06 Feb 2010

January 2010

Buying a cat with logic switches 23 Jan 2010

Arduino Sessions 23 Jan 2010

Sparkfun Onslaught 07 Jan 2010

November 2009

Dataloading ftw 12 Nov 2009

August 2009

iPhoneDevCampDC 2009 11 Aug 2009

When is information correct? 11 Aug 2009

July 2009

Rails on Leopard via davesouth.org 18 Jul 2009

Better tetris collision detection 09 Jul 2009

June 2009

Making Tatris 22 Jun 2009

Elevator Sim update 21 Jun 2009

May 2009

Parallax Clouds 06 May 2009

Stanford iPhone class on iTunes U 02 May 2009

April 2009

Elevator Sim [wip] 26 Apr 2009

Reading style tween test 18 Apr 2009

OpenCV in Eclipse 04 Apr 2009

Triangle Building 03 Apr 2009

March 2009

Square Tracing 11 Mar 2009

Boom Threads 10 Mar 2009

February 2009

Facebook Arduino Lamp 17 Feb 2009

October 2008

Awk process shows up every night 08 Oct 2008

March 2008

Linked 25 Mar 2008

Scroll Lock Button on OSX 12 Mar 2008

October 2007

Synergy2 mouse centering 04 Oct 2007

August 2007

Ports being weird. 12 Aug 2007

May 2007

Fink OSX 12 May 2007

April 2007

Freedom Systems vs Safety Systems 23 Apr 2007

Parabola 15 Apr 2007

Macbill Intel 12 Apr 2007

Upgrade fest. 10 Apr 2007

lstat test 10 Apr 2007

Animated Box 01 Apr 2007

January 2007

Chapter 4 21 Jan 2007

Old Email Syntax 04 Jan 2007

March 2006

Gentoo 2006.0 installer screenshots 03 Mar 2006

SWAT 03 Mar 2006

x.succ 03 Mar 2006

November 2005

Dave Thomas on Rails 19 Nov 2005

A courier4 upgrade snag. 15 Nov 2005

September 2005

Strip off tabs in vim 22 Sep 2005

Data Structures Book 19 Sep 2005

August 2005

Verifying an ssh key fingerprint 25 Aug 2005

E15k and cosmic-rays 16 Aug 2005

Spring Framework 04 Aug 2005

June 2005

Emerging Gnome 2.10.1 22 Jun 2005

gnome 2.10 = best ever 21 Jun 2005

December 2004

Why aren't you running gentoo? 14 Dec 2004

Solaris 9/04 and Veritas kernel panic. 13 Dec 2004

November 2004

distcc is cool. 18 Nov 2004

Useful Crontab Header 12 Nov 2004

Software RAID5 is no good. 08 Nov 2004

Some OpenGL progress 08 Nov 2004

Sorta got owned. 04 Nov 2004

October 2004

Getting around or through a restrictive firewall. 29 Oct 2004

Gnome-terminal cpu utilization fixed 25 Oct 2004

Using sed to manipulate ctd type strings from Solaris 22 Oct 2004

More on samba, winbind on Solaris 06 Oct 2004

samba, winbind and solaris 01 Oct 2004

September 2004

Samba3, winbind and active directory - how it looks when it's done 30 Sep 2004

RPG project 28 Sep 2004

June 2004

Using gcj under gentoo 01 Jun 2004

April 2004

Using Perl instead of awk or sed 07 Apr 2004

Finding busy disks with iostat and awk 05 Apr 2004

March 2004

An example md.tab on an E450 31 Mar 2004

Kontiki Trojan / Virus in disguise 30 Mar 2004

Propensity to 'like' weblogs 20 Mar 2004

tg3 problem and resolution on poweredge 2650 17 Mar 2004

January 2004

Installing BeOS 5 Max Edition on Virtual PC 2004 25 Jan 2004

swt, eclipse and OS X problems 17 Jan 2004

Login delay in ProFTPd fix - reverse lookups 16 Jan 2004

My OSX 10.3 Review 12 Jan 2004

The Hip Replacement Splits 11 Jan 2004

December 2003

Pictures of iPod under Linux 27 Dec 2003

New domain name - hexameter.com 07 Dec 2003

November 2003

Validation Action 15 Nov 2003

October 2003

World Population Web Service 17 Oct 2003

September 2003

Example Disk Suite Configuration (md.tab) 24 Sep 2003

Upgrading Eclipse 12 Sep 2003

May 2003

RedHat 8.0 to 9.0 upgrade 03 May 2003

April 2003

Mathematical constant e generator in Java 30 Apr 2003

Made useful build.xml file for use with Ant 20 Apr 2003

A nice bash prompt 20 Apr 2003

Misc Hackings 13 Apr 2003

10 Friggin Useful Linux Tips 09 Apr 2003

March 2003

Acronym Project - Ant and Eclipse 30 Mar 2003

Acronym Controller - cookies 29 Mar 2003

Displaying largest subdirectories in Linux 25 Mar 2003

LVS HOW-TO 19 Mar 2003

Authenticating Nagios on Apache against an Active Directory domain 04 Mar 2003

February 2003

Acronym Challenge Demo 28 Feb 2003

Acronym Controller Done 19 Feb 2003

ProFTP 18 Feb 2003

Acronym Controller Progress 17 Feb 2003

Acronym Project Update 17 Feb 2003

Acronym Java Project 17 Feb 2003